Sábado, 13 Maio 2017 09:53

Software de Botanica

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Captura de tela do software de Botanica (2017). O ouvinte é representado pelo ponto cinza central. Os pontos cor-de-rosa são as fontes de som virtuais. Enquanto o ouvinte se move através do jardim, o mapa se move na direção oposta ao seu caminho com o ponto cinza restante no centro. Os pontos cor-de-rosa podem estar estacionários no mapa ou ter suas próprias trajetórias animadas. À medida que o ouvinte se move, as fontes de som se movem em relação ao mapa deslizante. Como sons reais, as fontes de som virtuais tornam-se mais silenciosas com a distância e tornam-se inaudíveis uma vez que passam fora do limite circular do mapa. O software é usado para realizar o mapeamento de sons antes da interação pública e para criar a experiência de som 3D no campo. O software não é visível para os participantes.

Lido 4198 vezes Última modificação em Sexta, 23 Outubro 2020 15:28
Iain Mott

Iain Mott is a sound artist and a lecturer (professor adjunto) in the area of voice and performance in the Departamento de Artes Cênicas (theatre arts), Universidade de Brasilia. His sound installations are characterised by high levels of audience participation and novel approaches to interactivity. He has exhibited widely in Australia and at shows including the Ars Electronica Festival in Linz, Emoção Art.ficial in São Paulo and the Dashanzi International Art Festival and Multimedia Art Asia Pacific (MAAP) in Beijing. His most recent installation with Simone Reis O Espelho was exhibited at the Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil (CCBB) in Brasilia in the second half of 2012. Iain has received numerous awards and grants and has successfully managed innovative projects for almost 20 years. His GPS-based project Sound Mapping was awarded an Honorary Mention in the 1998 Prix Ars Electronica. In 2005 he was awarded an Australia China Council Arts Fellowship to work with the Beijing arts company the Long March Project. His work Zhong Shuo was created as part of the fellowship in collaboration with Chinese artists and was given 3rd prize in the UNESCO Digital Art Awards. The project has in addition been selected by MAAP for two further installations in Shanghai and Brisbane in 2006. Iain was artist in residence at the CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences in Canberra for 12 months in 1999/2000. The notion of collaboration between artist and audience has ongoing importance in Iain's work. His PhD from the University of Wollongong was supervised by Greg Schiemer and is entitled Sound Installation and Self-listening. 

More information:

Currículo Lattes

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