Sexta, 25 Setembro 2015 17:04

Pope's Eye

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Port Melbourne, Port Phillip Bay. Photo: Iain Mott Port Melbourne, Port Phillip Bay. Photo: Iain Mott

The composition Pope's Eye by Iain Mott was an outcome of a two week artist residency undertaken by Ros Bandt and Iain Mott in 2004 at the Melbourne Aquarium. Bandt and Mott made hydrophone recordings at the aquarium as well as recordings at Pope's Eye in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria. The aquarium recordings were subject to high levels of noise from the filtration equipment and noise reduction software was used to isolate the marine sounds. The sounds that can be heard in this composition include feeding sounds of marine life (fish and crustaceans), the sounds of fish calls, the sounds of staff divers at the aquarium, a motor boat on the bay and gannets at Pope's Eye. Other than the noise reduction, very little audio processing was applied to the recorded sound. The sounds were simply edited into a narrative form.

Lido 4713 vezes Última modificação em Sexta, 25 Setembro 2015 17:17
Mais nesta categoria: « The Great Call Squeezebox »

Pope's Eye

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