Para ouvir com fones de ouvido. Certifique-se de que os fones estejam orientados corretamente.
Escute com fones de ouvido! Listen with headphones!
Sons dos satélites "Sputnik 1" e "AO-07" reproduzidos com permissão de Roy Welch e Don Woodward respectivamente.
Sounds of the satellites "Sputnik 1" and "AO-07" reproduced with the kind permission of Roy Welch and Don Woodward respectively.
Unedited stereo field recording of Sound Mapping at the docks of Sullivan's Cove in Hobart, Tasmania. The players were: Catheryn Gurrin, Jody Kingston, Iain Mott and Jirrah Walker.
Gravação de campo de Sound Mapping no porto Sullivan's Cove, Hobart, 1998. Participantes: Catheryn Gurrin, Jody Kingston, Iain Mott e Jirrah Walker.