Sunday, 20 September 2015 15:03

A King Listens (2014)

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Foto: Iain Mott Foto: Iain Mott

A voice means this: there is a living person,
throat, chest, feelings, who sends into the air this voice,
different from all other voices.
A voice involves the throat, saliva, infancy, the patina of experienced life,
the mind’s intentions, the pleasure of giving a personal form to sound waves.
— Italo Calvino

Acoustic theatre for headphones of Italo Calvino's story A King Listens (Um Rei à Escuta in Portuguese) by the Laboratório de Performance e Teatro do Vazio (LPTV), research and extension group of the Instituto de Artes (IdA) of the Universidade de Brasília (UnB), linked to the Decanato de Extensão (DEX) and to the Departamento de Artes Cênicas, UnB.


Déborah Soares
Felipe Fernandes
Rogério Luiz

Direction, audio production and sound design:

Iain Mott

Binaural processing and mixing performed with the Soundscape Renderer (SSR), Puredata, Ardour 3, Jconvolver and the Jack Audio Connection Kit.


CALVINO, Italo. Um Rei à Escuta. In: Nilson Moulin (Trad.); Sob o Sol-Jaguar [Sotto il sole giaguaro, 1986]. p.57–89. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1995.

* See also more complete version in Portugues:

Read 10159 times Last modified on Wednesday, 05 July 2017 11:28
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