Saturday, 19 December 2015 10:01

Mosca Audio Demo for Headphones

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This audio demonstration of Mosca involves the spatialisation of mono, stereo and B-format material. As well as using music and B-format recordings made by Iain Mott, it also contains 3 B-format recording by John Leonard of geese, a Chinook helicopter and of the Stanbrook Abbey Choir. These recording by John are presented here with kind permission. Other recorded sounds include those of monks in the Luohan Temple in Chongqing, China, frogs in São Jorge, Goiás in Brazil, a matchbox and an original recording of Sputnik 1 made by Roy Welch, reproduced with Roy's permission.

Please listen with headphones and ensure that the left and right channels are positioned correctly.

Read 5308 times Last modified on Monday, 19 December 2016 16:05


More in this category: « Mosca: Horse Gallop Demo

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