Audio items

Audio items

Theatre of the Ears (O Teatro dos Ouvidos) by Valère Novarina read by class A of the subject "Voz e Palavra na Performance Teatral Contemporânea 1", Theatre Arts Department, University of Brasilia, Semester 1, 2017.

In Portuguese. Produced for headphone listening. Please be sure that the left and right channels of are correctly orientated.

Recording of voice: Glauco Maciel. Direction, recordings, mixing and sound design: Iain Mott. Uses the software Mosca and the Ambisonic Toolkit in SuperCollider

Actors by order of entrance: Claudio Henri, Aissa Bianca de Souza Batista, Mariane de Mendonça Costa, Isabel Ollaik, Deborah Franca, Jackson Machado, Lorena Carolina, Luiza Davison, João Pedro Ricken, Pedro Henrique Ibarra, Thiago Gama, Ana Vitória Rabelo, Julia Tempesta, Letícia Ferreira, Bianca Terraza, João Gabriel Aguiar, Paula Toledo, Rafael Ferrari, Ady Estellita e Ariel Pimenta.

The Telephonist

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